Eastern European History

Holy Rus’: The Rebirth of Orthodoxy in the New Russia (John P. Burgess)

Americans don’t understand the Russians. Americans don’t even try to understand the Russians, for the most part. I don’t understand the Russians, even if I should, given that my father was a professor of...

On the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

In these latter days, we are told man should be made new, and if that fails, we can replace him with thinking machines. The past is therefore denigrated, largely a blank. Now, most history...

To Overthrow the World: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Communism (Sean McMeekin)

Unlike the cats grilled by the illegals invited by our rulers to invade once-decent towns all over America, Communism has nine lives, or more. Why is it that Communism, the most destructive and evil...

July 1914: Countdown to War (Sean McMeekin)

For some years now, Americans have lived through a chaotic series of events unprecedented in modern times. Still, some say “nothing ever happens.” They argue that these apparently dramatic crises, from the Russo-Ukraine War...

The Burning of the World: A Memoir of 1914 (Béla Zombory-Moldován)

For more than 150 years, Americans have been mostly spared the cost of war. Yes, at times, some have felt the cost in the lives of their sons, though today our ruling classes <a...

Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970–2000 (Stephen Kotkin)

All of history is littered with dead empires. Since the so-called Enlightenment, history is also littered with dead regimes—governments built around an ideology, which in time collapsed, entirely killing the ideology which birthed them...

The Fortress: The Siege of Przemysl and the Making of Europe’s Bloodlands (Alexander Watson)

I suspect not one in a thousand Americans could locate Galicia, a historically-important area spanning what is now southeastern Poland and western Ukraine, on a map. To be fair, Galicia is today not on...

The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann (Ananyo Bhattacharya)

This is a disappointing book. Not awful, but not good. The Man from the Future manages to take the life of the polymath John von Neumann and to make it dull, never giving us...

Uncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist Establishment (Stephen Kotkin)

How will our current regime fall? That’s what we all want to know. For those who have eyes to see, it is obvious the American regime is extremely fragile. It awaits only the inevitable...

Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II (Sean McMeekin)

We are not a serious society. Our ruling class are men of no substance, lacking all knowledge and incapable of competent action on any front. The masses, while they sense a great deal is...