European History

The Habsburg Way: Seven Rules for Turbulent Times (Eduard Habsburg)

Mirrors for princes, books of advice aimed at those who rule, have fallen out of style in our modern, supposedly democratic age. Books of advice for commoners, however, are ubiquitous, though most of them...

Fascism: The Career of a Concept (Paul Gottfried)

What is fascism? Generically, it is a political philosophy, but what is its content? The word today is almost always used simply as an infinitely flexible synonym for “enemy of the Left,” but fascism...

Prince Henry the Navigator: A Life (Peter Russell)

Henry the Navigator, prince of Portugal, never king although he often acted as if he were, made the modern world. He lived from 1394 to 1460, and it was through him that Europe began...

July 1914: Countdown to War (Sean McMeekin)

For some years now, Americans have lived through a chaotic series of events unprecedented in modern times. Still, some say “nothing ever happens.” They argue that these apparently dramatic crises, from the Russo-Ukraine War...

The Camp of the Saints (Jean Raspail)

We often hear hysterical lies about “banned books,” meaning any work that has ever been criticized by anyone on the Right. But all such books are freely available, globally, to anyone, in multiple editions,...

The Gravediggers: The Last Winter of the Weimar Republic (Rüdiger Barth and Hauke Friederichs)

In the demonology of the West, for nearly a hundred years the rise to power of Adolf Hitler has played a leading part. Nearly everyone knows, or thinks he knows, though he is wrong,...

The Burning of the World: A Memoir of 1914 (Béla Zombory-Moldován)

For more than 150 years, Americans have been mostly spared the cost of war. Yes, at times, some have felt the cost in the lives of their sons, though today our ruling classes <a...

The Anglo-Saxons: The Making of England: 410–1066 (Marc Morris)

England, fabled land of legend and destiny, is over. When you combine a degraded native populace unwilling to replenish itself with a ruling class that is among the most evil and stupid in history,...

The Fortress: The Siege of Przemysl and the Making of Europe’s Bloodlands (Alexander Watson)

I suspect not one in a thousand Americans could locate Galicia, a historically-important area spanning what is now southeastern Poland and western Ukraine, on a map. To be fair, Galicia is today not on...

Legality and Legitimacy (Carl Schmitt)

It is frequently said, and it is entirely true, that the Regime which rules us is illegitimate. But what does that precisely mean? No surprise, Carl Schmitt lights the way to an answer, in...