Wars To Come

The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies (Auron MacIntyre)

For many Americans, the Constitution is their spirit animal, which protects and guides them. Never mind that how we are ruled bears very little resemblance to the actual Constitution, or that the Regime pays...

King of Dogs (Andrew Edwards)

When Americans think of apocalyptic futures, we usually think of the apocalypse itself, whatever that might be. We have a morbid fascination with its totalizing effect, whether asteroid strike, zombie plague or nuclear war....

The Camp of the Saints (Jean Raspail)

We often hear hysterical lies about “banned books,” meaning any work that has ever been criticized by anyone on the Right. But all such books are freely available, globally, to anyone, in multiple editions,...

Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)

My positive opinions about Elon Musk are not popular on the Right. Many say he is untrustworthy. Not our friend. Controlled opposition. But some of what they say is wrong, and the rest is...

The Gravediggers: The Last Winter of the Weimar Republic (Rüdiger Barth and Hauke Friederichs)

In the demonology of the West, for nearly a hundred years the rise to power of Adolf Hitler has played a leading part. Nearly everyone knows, or thinks he knows, though he is wrong,...

The Burning of the World: A Memoir of 1914 (Béla Zombory-Moldován)

For more than 150 years, Americans have been mostly spared the cost of war. Yes, at times, some have felt the cost in the lives of their sons, though today our ruling classes <a...

Legality and Legitimacy (Carl Schmitt)

It is frequently said, and it is entirely true, that the Regime which rules us is illegitimate. But what does that precisely mean? No surprise, Carl Schmitt lights the way to an answer, in...

The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium (Martin Gurri)

As our ruling class drives the West into the ditch, from which a reborn society will probably emerge, but they and their rule will certainly not, it is natural for us to focus on...

Rhodesian S.A.S. Combat Manual

It is common on the Right today to have conversations which five or ten years ago would have seemed insane. Notable among such discussions are those relating to violence in conditions of societal fluidity....

Crossing the Rubicon: Caesar’s Decision and the Fate of Rome (Lucca Fezzi)

In our failing American Republic, Julius Caesar is, for many, a condensed symbol. He stands in for everything that might bring a final, formal end to institutions already dead, and he hints at what...