Monthly Archives: December, 2018
Trotsky: A Biography (Robert Service)
I continue to be fascinated by the Bolshevik Revolution, because in its success there are many lessons. Unbiased history and biography of the Bolsheviks...
The Once and Future Worker: A Vision for the Renewal of Work in America (Oren Cass)
I have often complained that human flourishing cannot consist of increases in GDP that permit us all to buy more cheap Chinese crap every...
Before Church and State: A Study of Social Order in the Sacramental Kingdom of St. Louis IX (Andrew Willard Jones)
Like Diogenes searching for an honest man, I spend my days searching for a useful political program. Necessarily rejecting all Left philosophies as anti-human...
Building the Benedict Option: A Guide to Gathering Two or Three Together in His Name (Leah Libresco)
Creating a social movement is hard. Creating a social movement of conservatives is even harder, since for the most part progressives derive much of...
My Father’s Business: The Small-Town Values That Built Dollar General into a Billion-Dollar Company (Cal Turner)
In 2002, the law firm for which I worked was involved in the Dollar General debacle, helping clean up the mess after the company...
Stubborn Attachments: A Vision for a Society of Free, Prosperous, and Responsible Individuals (Tyler Cowen)
Finally, the age of sophisters and calculators has fully arrived, and its herald is Tyler Cowen. He, economist and blogger, is here to tell...