Social Justice Warriors
Against Counsels of Defeat
To defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy. Therefore, we must know what the Left is. I use a consistent core definition—the Left is those who follow the prime commandments of limitless emancipation...
The Recovery of Family Life: Exposing the Limits of Modern Ideologies (Scott Yenor)
You know what America needs? More mirrors for princes—the Renaissance genre of advice books directed at statesmen. On the Right, we have many books that identify, and complain about, the problems of modernity and...
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Mark Bray)
More than twenty years ago, as a very young man, I traveled in Ukraine. In one place, the local authorities were excavating a mass grave from the 1930s. Hundreds of skeletons, men and women,...
Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents (Rod Dreher)
A disease is going around. No, not the Wuhan Plague. This malady only affects the Right, and I name it Scrutonism. The symptoms of Scrutonism are a razor-sharp ability to identify one’s enemies and...
The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return (Michael Anton)
Michael Anton’s latest, half analysis and half prophecy, is simultaneously terrifying and clarifying. As I have said before, I align very closely with Anton in both core politics and attitude toward politics, so naturally...
The Captive Mind (Czeslaw Milosz)
We all like to imagine ourselves as heroes. We watch movies, and we instinctively put ourselves in the place of the hero, not in the place of the villain. We read the histories of...
After the Flight 93 Election: The Vote that Saved America and What We Still Have to Lose (Michael Anton)
Michael Anton is the man who today best communicates the fractures among the Right. He identifies, and exemplifies, growing incompatibilities among conservatives, both on the issues of the day and in beliefs about desirable...
On Battlefield V
Last year, the giant gaming company Electronic Arts released the latest version of an extremely popular military game, Battlefield V. Each release in the series takes place in a different time period; this one...
Building the Benedict Option: A Guide to Gathering Two or Three Together in His Name (Leah Libresco)
Creating a social movement is hard. Creating a social movement of conservatives is even harder, since for the most part progressives derive much of life’s meaning from social action, while conservatives just want to...
On Conservative Bubbles and the Supreme Court
It has long been an article of faith on the Right, including for me, that the Left has undemocratically imposed its views on the country for decades by using the Supreme Court as a...