Monthly Archives: June, 2021
Where Death and Glory Meet: Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Infantry (Russell Duncan)
I suspect that very few people under forty know who Robert Gould Shaw was. Those older may remember the 1989 film Glory, which told...
The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (Carl Schmitt)
Ah, Carl Schmitt, Carl Schmitt! No man like him exists today. Political philosophy in our time is, and for many decades past has been,...
The Foundationalist Manifesto: The Politics of Future Past
I am here to give you back your future. Like Yeats’s golden bird, I will tell you of what is past, and passing, and...
Announcement: SECOND Podcast Discussion between Michael Anton and Charles Haywood
The people, they demand Michael Anton and The Worthy House! I am again pleased to announce that The Claremont Institute, in the form...
What to Do When the Russians Come: A Survivor’s Guide (Robert Conquest)
One fine day in April, 1945, a cousin of mine was shot by the Russians. His name was Félix Straszer. His crime? None, of...