Oliver Cromwell: Commander in Chief (Ronald Hutton)

Most know about the English Civil War, and that it ended with the execution of Charles I, in 1649. But this is not really true. That war, the First English Civil War, which alone...

The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol (Carl Schmitt)

In this challenging book, Carl Schmitt analyzes the modern state through the life and death of the Leviathan state of Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan, the “mortal god,” dominated the early modern era, but contained within...

The Martian General’s Daughter (Theodore Judson)

What is America? This may seem like a strange question to ask after reading a book titled The Martian General’s Daughter. But it is the most important question that we who live in the...

A Brutal Reckoning: Andrew Jackson, the Creek Indians, and the Epic War for the American South (Peter Cozzens)

I have long been fascinated by the wars between the European settlers of America and those whom they conquered and displaced, the American Indians. I grew up near a famous battlefield memorial of those...

On Private Justice

For eighty years, Superman’s motto was “Truth, Justice, and the American Way!” In 2020, at the apogee of unchallenged Left power, it changed to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow!” In the fantasy world...

Holy Rus’: The Rebirth of Orthodoxy in the New Russia (John P. Burgess)

Americans don’t understand the Russians. Americans don’t even try to understand the Russians, for the most part. I don’t understand the Russians, even if I should, given that my father was a professor of...

On the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

In these latter days, we are told man should be made new, and if that fails, we can replace him with thinking machines. The past is therefore denigrated, largely a blank. Now, most history...

On the Left as Scorpion: Election and Post-Election Predictions

Anyone who predicts the future risks beclowning and humiliating himself, usually for little return. Better to offer Nostradamus-like pronouncements, susceptible to many interpretations, so you can later retcon the predictions you make. Nonetheless, the...

Recent Appearances (October 2024)

I was honored to appear in the past three months in nine different venues. Programs where I appeared, in order, have been (with links below): 1) With Kruptos, and other luminaries, on the Christian Ghetto...

To Overthrow the World: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Communism (Sean McMeekin)

Unlike the cats grilled by the illegals invited by our rulers to invade once-decent towns all over America, Communism has nine lives, or more. Why is it that Communism, the most destructive and evil...