My Speech at the Natal Conference

For quite some time, long before Elon Musk, I have claimed that the coming population crash is the most significant mechanical (that is, non-spiritual) problem facing the West. Last December, I attended and spoke at the first Natal Conference, which brought together reality-focused men and women to search for solutions. My speech focused on the crucial need for male-only spaces. All the speeches, as well as more information, are available at (where you can also sign up for the second Natal Conference, to be held this December in Austin).

A few days ago, Musk endorsed the Natal Conference. He only knew about it because of a recent article in the far-left Politico magazine attacking the conference. The article also attacked me by name, so I decided a broader audience for my speech was in order. Therefore, here is my speech in full:


On Private Justice

Against Nostalgia

Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)

Tucker (Chadwick Moore)