On the Left as Scorpion: Election and Post-Election Predictions

Anyone who predicts the future risks beclowning and humiliating himself, usually for little return. Better to offer Nostradamus-like pronouncements, susceptible to many interpretations, so you can later retcon the predictions you make. Nonetheless, the outline of the immediate future for America is clearer than most futures, because we are repeating a pattern that has occurred more than once in modern times. Yes, much is unprecedented in our current situation. Still, the general form of our coming catastrophe is plain enough. I would like to be proven wrong. But I will not be.

[This article was written this past June, though it is only being published now, the day before the election. You can read the rest at Man’s World Magazine (no paywall or anything annoying like that). Links below to audio/video versions.]


On Private Justice

Against Nostalgia

Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)

Tucker (Chadwick Moore)

On Marriage