Recent Appearances (May 2024)

I was honored to appear in the past three months in six different venues. Programs where I appeared, in order, have been (with links below):

1) With Eric Conn, on the Hard Men Podcast, we talk about NEOTR, Franco, and The Camp of the Saints.

2) On the Chronicles podcast, with C. Jay Engel, of accelerationism and radicalizing the Right.

3) A second appearance with Hotep Jesus, of many things, including futurism and “AI.”

4) With Astral of Astral Flight Simulation, a deep dive into Elon Musk and the future of American politics.

5) As one of the guests on a special episode with Jason and Mark on the 2Bit Podcast, on the PayPal Mafia, “friend or fed”?

6) With Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries, again of Elon Musk, but of his future private army, and much else.

Eric Conn:

C. Jay Engel:

Hotep Jesus:


2Bit Podcast:

Right Response:


Against Nostalgia

Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)

Tucker (Chadwick Moore)

On Marriage

On Manual Work for Men